Monday, October 25, 2004

Sleep Deprived Students

Over years and years universities and in the past few decades grammar and secondary schools have been using sleep deprivation techniques in order to make students more docile and susceptible to ideas that they would otherwise not readily accept as "correct." This has resulted in generations of apathetic zombie-esque graduates, as evidenced in declining voter participation/activism, artistic achievement and overall individualism. Such a trend has allowed for things ranging from incorrect text books in lower levels to the production of incorrect texts at higher levels of education in a seemingly circular progression toward ambivalence. Despite the interesting results my main focus will be on proving that learning institutions have actively worked toward creating sleep deprived students via increased homework, early morning and late night classes, the emphasis on stretching oneself beyond all normal parameters in order to get into the best schools and then the best jobs (which coincidentally will obviously be filled by the most exhausted and therefore permeable minds.)


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