Help with non-- 201 Paper?
Hi... this isn't actually related to this class, but this is a composition class-- so maybe it kind of is... anyways: I'm doing research with Professor Koshar this semester for Hist 600 relating to cars, in particular: Safety Legislation of the 1950s in Great Britain. As I am sure you can imagine it is quite exciting... I'm looking at/analyzing group responses to such legistlation in the Autocar magazine (its a car mag in Britain). Blah- anyways currently my paper discusses the reaction of different age and economic groups to the increasing severity and complexity of such safety laws during the time. I AM REALLY AFRAID - my professor is going to fall asleep reading my paper... I do. SO I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to "spice" my paper up. (I can't include accidents because that is another student's) Thanks so much! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
Tiffany--is there a way that you could look at responses to care safety legislation in terms of gender? I'm assuming (which is always dangerous) that women might respond differently than men, and in fact we can argue that gendered driving habits and thoughts regarding travel/driving/mobility have been concretized through such legislation, and consequently in the ways in which different arenas of social life (like purchasing car insurance) are affected by statistics regarding such habits. In other words, one question you might ask is whether or not there is a distinctly female way of driving versus a distinctly male way of driving--it would seem that at least statistically, females are grouped as being more "responsible" drivers. Where might this distinction come from, and can you draw any inferences from the data you're looking at?
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to respond,
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