Wednesday, November 10, 2004

bomb the suburbs

Upski is a racist, an upper middle class wigger, and an admirer of black culture all at the same time. Is he credible? Do you think he's a b-boy because he's rebelling against our economically and racially segregated society or because he's trying to elevate himself above other white people--or both? And why do white kids in Montana become wiggers?
Upski writes of a "moral debt" he owes to the black community. How can that ever be repaid? Does he imply that it can be or not?
One of his points is clear: Americans (whites especially, but also possibly suburban blacks?) need to stop avoiding the reality that we are perpetuating inequality. And one way to bring this fact home is to literally bring it home to the suburbs--through graffiti, for example.
Are any of you from the suburbs? I'm from elgin, outside of chicago (a place with a lot of hispanic immigrants and issues) and I lived in Rogers Park in Chicago last year--the most ethnically diverse place in the country besides the Bronx. (Do I sound like I'm elevating myself?) And now, coming here to Madison, I see some similarites in our campus and the suburbs (remember, Upski writes of the suburbs literally and metaphorically). This university IS overwhelmingly white--do WE avoid reality? I read somewhere that Dane County imprisonates more black people in proportion to whites than the state and country average. just something to consider...
so much to talk about on this reading...sorry so long...but i think there's still more left out.


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