Bomb the Suburbs
"Let's celebrate the ghetto and the few people who aren't running away from it..."
This is is defnitely one of the more ridiculous statements I have read in a while. Upski is extremely close minded and, I believe, a hardcore racist. He believes that suburbanites are the cause of the "ghetto." Yet how many people grew up poor in the "city" and worked their way out of it. He seems to put a positive label on being poor, as if lack of wealth is the only contributing factor to being down to earth. While it is true that some poorer people have a better grasp on the important things in life, it is unfair to claim that anyone living outside of the city is so caught up in their suburban life that they are incapable of having real feelings.
The piece which mocks the two boys who go to Atlanta is ridiculous as well. The boys make it pretty clear that the reason they dressed up as they did was because they admired that certain culture. However, Sabrina Williams seems to think that only African-Americans are worthy of dressing that certain way, even walking that certain way. It seems to me that Williams is the one contributing to the "problems of the ghetto." By isolating a certain lifestyle to just one ethnicity, she only makes her culture stand out more than before.
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